How to Beat Menopause Brain Fog: 6 Effective StrategiesHow to Beat Menopause Brain Fog: 6 Effective StrategiesHow to Beat Menopause Brain Fog: 6 Effective Strategies

How to Beat Menopause Brain Fog: 6 Effective Strategies

How to Beat Menopause Brain Fog: 6 Effective Strategies

How to Beat Menopause Brain Fog

Menopause brain fog is a real and challenging symptom many women experience. No, you’re not imagining it. Losing your keys, forgetting where you left your glasses, not remembering what you wanted to get at the store, or simply not being able to concentrate at work can be frustrating. Research shows that women’s memory indeed changes during menopause.

It is so common that the International Menopause Society made it this year’s theme for October being the Menopause Awareness Month.

Why Brain Fog Happens During Menopause

Brain fog during menopause is a common symptom caused by a combination of hormonal changes, particularly the decline in estrogen levels. Estrogen is crucial for many functions in the brain, including memory and cognitive processing. Additionally, other factors such as stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, and nutritional deficiencies can exacerbate brain fog. As women age, their circulation slows down, reducing the amount of oxygen reaching the brain, which can also contribute to cognitive issues.

What is Brain Fog?

Brain fog is not a medical term but is commonly used to describe a collection of symptoms such as forgetfulness, confusion, and lack of focus or mental clarity. Individuals experiencing brain fog may find it difficult to concentrate, remember things, or process information efficiently. This condition is particularly prevalent among women going through menopause due to hormonal fluctuations and other associated factors.

Here are 6 ways you can help lift the brain fog:

1. Improve Your Sleep for Better Brain Function

Creating a soothing sleep routine can be helpful for the brain to switch off after a long day and settle in for restorative sleep.

  • Start by having your last caffeinated drink no later than noon.
  • Wear a sleep mask and ear plugs.
  • Meditate or take a warm bath before bedtime.
  • Switch off your electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

Ensure your sleeping environment is conducive to rest by keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends, can also improve sleep quality.

2. Regular Exercise to Boost Memory and Learning

One study found that just three days a week of moderate-intensity exercise appeared to increase the size of the hippocampus, a part of the brain involved in memory and learning. Some types of exercise could be:

  • Walking
  • Yoga (check out the exercise section in our app)
  • Biking
  • Strength training (check out the exercise section in our app)
  • Swimming
  • Any group sport you enjoy

If you don't enjoy exercise, think about it in terms of movement. How can you move more today than yesterday? Maybe that's taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking instead of taking the car.

Engaging in aerobic exercises such as running or swimming can also help to enhance brain function by improving cardiovascular health and increasing blood flow to the brain.

3. Manage Stress Effectively to Clear Your Mind

We get it, life is inherently stressful. While we can’t always control what happens to us, we can control how we respond to it.

Here are some coping mechanisms:

  • Take 3 deep breaths before responding.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Take breaks.
  • Shut off your phone.
  • Repeat a mantra: This too shall pass. I can do this. I am calm.

Also, have a look at your calendar. Is it filled with meetings and endless to-do lists and very little time for yourself? Make yourself a priority and block out certain times in the day for yourself. Learning how to say no and set healthy boundaries is part of self-care.

Incorporating mindfulness practices such as yoga and meditation into your daily routine can significantly reduce stress and improve cognitive function.

4. Eat Brain-Boosting Foods for Cognitive Health

5 foods linked to better brain health and memory are: green veggies, fatty fish, berries particularly blueberries, walnuts, dark chocolate (aim for 90%). Aim to eat 1 hand-size of lean protein with every meal, 1 fist-size of unrefined carbs (sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa) and fill the remaining space of your plate with vegetables, fruit and healthy fats.

Adopting a Mediterranean diet, rich in antioxidants, can support brain health. This diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and healthy fats like olive oil.

5. Use Memory Tricks to Stay Sharp

Whatever helped you study for tests in school can help you get through the day (and not forget your keys or your new colleague’s name).

  • Make rhymes
  • Repeat information three times after first hearing it
  • Draw visual reminders
  • Use good old post-it notes all over the house

Engage in mentally stimulating activities such as puzzles, crosswords, or learning a new language to keep your brain active and enhance memory retention.

6. Practice Kindness and Grace with Yourself

Don’t beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself and others around you if you get frustrated (or they do about your forgetfulness). Reach out to women going through similar things and have a laugh about it. This too shall pass.

Practicing self-compassion and connecting with a supportive community can provide emotional relief and a sense of camaraderie.

For more mindset tips and tricks around menopause, join the Reverse Health app now! Our 12-week video coaching course is filled to the brim with weight loss, health & lifestyle tips for women nearing or going through menopause.

Start here now!

Additional Tips to Beat Menopause Brain Fog

To further address menopause brain fog, try incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce stress and improve cognitive function. Additionally, staying socially active and engaging in mentally stimulating activities like puzzles or learning a new skill can help keep your brain sharp.

Staying hydrated and avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine can also help in maintaining optimal cognitive function.

What Helps Brain Fog During Menopause?

Understanding what helps brain fog during menopause can make a significant difference. Ensure you stay hydrated, as dehydration can exacerbate cognitive issues. Regularly practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation can also be beneficial.

Consider keeping a diary or using reminders to manage daily tasks effectively and reduce anxiety.

Other sources: Harvard Health


Menopause brain fog can be a frustrating and challenging experience, but understanding its causes and implementing effective strategies can significantly improve cognitive function and overall well-being. Improving sleep, engaging in regular exercise, managing stress, consuming brain-boosting foods, using memory tricks, and practicing kindness and grace with oneself are all crucial steps to alleviate brain fog. Additionally, adopting mindfulness practices, staying hydrated, and considering supplements or HRT under medical guidance can provide further relief. By taking a comprehensive approach, women can successfully navigate menopause and maintain mental clarity.

FAQs on Menopause Brain Fog

How long does menopause brain fog last? Menopause brain fog can last from a few months to several years, typically improving after the transition phase of menopause.

What is the best supplement for menopause brain fog? Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins (especially B6 and B12), and magnesium are often recommended to support brain health during menopause.

What foods are good for menopause brain fog? Foods rich in antioxidants and healthy fats are beneficial, including green leafy vegetables, fatty fish, berries, nuts, and dark chocolate.

Which HRT is best for brain fog? Estrogen therapy is often considered effective for reducing brain fog symptoms during menopause, but it's important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

How I cured my brain fog menopause? Many women find relief from menopause brain fog through a combination of lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, stress management, and, if appropriate, hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

How do you beat hormonal brain fog? To beat hormonal brain fog, maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, practice stress-reducing techniques like mindfulness and meditation, get quality sleep, and consider supplements or HRT as recommended by a healthcare provider.

Mindful Eating
Updated on:
August 6, 2024