Benefits of Whey Protein Supplements for Women

Benefits of Whey Protein Supplements for Women

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Have you ever considered boosting your protein intake with a supplement or shake but can’t quite seem to find the right one?

Every time you visit the supplement aisle the walls lined with labels, filled with numbers, jargon, and fancy marketing buzzwords leave you more confused than when you first walked in.

We understand your frustration, as there have been many before you have shared a similar experience.

In this article, we will discuss whey protein supplements. We will cover the different types, their role in our diet, and the key things to look for when choosing the correct supplement for you.

What Is Whey Protein?

Whey protein powder is the protein of whey, the watery portion of milk derived from the cheese-making process. The carbohydrates, fats, and water are removed before it is dried and used in whey protein supplementation.

Types of Whey Protein: Concentrate, Isolate, and Hydrolysate

There are three types of whey protein supplements: whey concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate. Below we list each and highlight their key differences to help you choose the right one.


Whey protein concentrate (WPC) contains between 20–80% protein. This form of protein contains fat, lactose, and sugar, and often tastes the best.


Whey protein isolate (WPI) contains approximately 90%. It contains less lactose and fat. This is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to boost their protein intake without the added calories strictly.


Whey protein hydrolysate contains high protein concentrations. This form of whey protein has been broken down to improve absorption. This allows for greater post-exercise muscle protein synthesis.

5 Benefits of Whey Protein Supplements

From the outside, whey protein feels like it is reserved for gym fanatics, however, its benefits illustrate its capabilities go beyond muscle building. Below we list the benefits of whey protein.

Improves Satiety

As we age our metabolic rate declines and our appetite increases, leading to weight gain. This can lead to several negative health outcomes including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint pain, and muscular disorders.

Whey protein supplementation can be used to improve satiety, reducing appetite and caloric intake. Protein is the most effective macronutrient for increasing satiety.

This will help us consume fewer calories, and allow us to maintain a healthy weight.

Calorie Efficient Supplement

One of the best things about whey protein supplements is they are calorie-efficient supplements. Often when we eat high-protein food, we must also consider fat and calorie intake.

Whey protein supplements, specifically weight protein isolate contain few additives. This means fewer calories wasted consuming unnecessary sugars, carbohydrates, and fat, allowing you to top up your protein intake without exceeding your calorie limit.

Increase Muscles Mass

Increasing muscle mass or muscle hypertrophy occurs when muscle protein synthesis exceeds muscle protein breakdown. This can be achieved through consuming protein and resistance training.

Whey protein supplementation can be used to boost protein intake and improve protein synthesis. This allows us to increase strength and maintain function.

Supporting Bone Health

One of the biggest determinates of bone health, formation, and regeneration is mechanical stress, in the form of muscular contraction, and gravity. Muscular contractions from daily movement and resistance training are highly effective for maintaining bone mass.

Protein intake has a positive effect on bone mass. Whey protein supplements can increase protein intake, helping us build lean muscle, and increasing mechanical stress. This will help us support bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and loss of function.

Enhancing Immune Function

Protein plays an important role in our immune system. Protein is made up of amino acids which are essential for synthesizing immune proteins.

Whey protein concentrate has been shown to have an immune response against toxins and foreign bodies, reducing disease.

Choosing the Right Whey Protein Supplement

In this section, we will discuss the key factors to consider when choosing your protein supplement.

Type of Protein

As mentioned, there are three types of protein supplements: whey protein concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate. Each of these has been processed differently, and protein concentrations, and additives.

When choosing your type of protein you select the one that matches your needs. Below we list the advantages of each to help you make the correct choice for you.

Whey Protein Concentrate

  • Affordable
  • Contains fat and carbohydrates
  • Higher calorie
  • Supports immune system

Whey Protein Isolate

  • Less fat and carbohydrates (great for calorie control)
  • Fewer calories
  • Great for resistance training and building lean muscle
  • Supports immune system

Whey Protein Hydrolysate

  • Easily absorbs and digested
  • Boost immune support
  • Can reduce the damage of radiotherapy of cancer patients

Complete Protein

When shopping for your whey protein supplement, ensure it contains complete protein. Complete protein refers to a protein that contains all nine essential amino. These can’t be synthesized by our bodies and must be consumed through food such as beef, eggs, dairy, quinoa, and soy.

Protein consists of 20 amino acids, however, there are only nine essential amino acids.

These nine essential amino acids are:

  • Histidine
  • Isoleucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Threonine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine

These nine essential amino acids are vital for the growth and repair of body tissue, creating hormones and neurotransmitters.

Purchasing a whey protein supplement containing the nine essential amino acids will ensure you are supporting your body.

Grams Per Serve

When it comes to purchasing protein powder, check the grams per serve. There are many different types and brands of whey protein supplements on the market and the protein per serve can vary between 20g–35g.

This can make a significant difference when buying your next tub of protein, as the higher protein per serve will indicate greater total protein content. Higher protein content can cost more, however, it can help you hit your protein goals.


When selecting your protein powder, make sure that you like the flavor. While factors such as type, grams per serve, and complete protein are important, it will be difficult to hit your protein target if you dislike the taste.

If you are on the hunt for your next protein powder, we recommend buying smaller bags or tubs. This will help you trial the flavor and digestion.

Common Whey Protein Myths

Over the decades protein has evolved from a supplement reserve for bodybuilders and has since been adopted by people of all ages, and genders as a means of increasing their dietary protein.

However, like any supplement, it comes with its fair share of myths and misconceptions. Below we have listed common myths to give you the facts about whey protein supplementation.

Whey Protein Causes Weight Gain

Whey protein does NOT directly cause weight gain. Like all foods, whey protein has a set number of calories per serving, and like all foods, consumed in excess can lead to weight gain. However, when sized up against other high-protein food options, whey protein supplements are a calorie-efficient option.

For example, 100g of chicken breast contains 165 calories and 31 grams of protein. While 25g of whey protein isolates 103 calories, 25 grams of protein.

As mentioned, protein has also been linked to improved satiety, which can help us decrease our appetite. This will help us reduce our daily calorie intake, leading to weight loss.

Protein Supplements Are Only for Bodybuilders

Protein supplements were once used exclusively by bodybuilders to increase protein intake to build lean muscle. However, never has this directly meant that they weren’t for the general public.

Whey protein and dietary protein are essential for our daily function. It aids in tissue growth, repair, immune support, and the creation of brain chemicals, meaning it is vital for our function.

Whey Protein is Unnatural

Whey protein supplementation may be viewed by some as being an unnatural way to consume protein. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. As mentioned, whey is the watery portion of milk that is derived from the cheese-making process.

Whey has been identified as a rich source of protein and has been processed. Unlike processed foods, which contain preservatives, and additives, whey protein is processed to with little interference or additives.

Whey Protein Contains Steriods

Whey protein doesn’t contain steroids. While whey protein can help you develop lean muscle mass, and increase strength it does not contain steroids or illegal substances.

Each whey protein supplement that is on the market is tested to ensure it is safe and meets specific guidelines. This is to ensure that we are consuming safe products, free of harmful additives.

Whey Protein Can Negatively Impact Kidneys

Whey protein can negatively impact our kidneys is a valid concern, that is partially true. High protein diets may make your kidneys work harder, and over time lead to kidney damage. However, these findings are mixed.

Furthermore, the recommended daily protein intake is between 1.0g–1.6g, with protein intakes exceeding 2.2g being classified as high protein.

Adding whey protein within these recommended ranges will likely not negatively impact your kidneys. In fact, it will have far greater positive effects on your overall health.

You Need BCAAs

When buying your whey protein you need BCAAs (branch chain amino acids). This is false. For decades it has been proposed that BCAAs can stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which has since become a multi-million dollar business.

BCAAs refer to three of the nine essential amino acids; leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These three amino acids have been said to increase muscle growth, reduce soreness, and stop muscle wasting.

However, these are essential amino acids that can be found in complete protein powders.

Many brands will advertise BCAAs at a higher cost. Don’t fall for the flashy label. We recommend purchasing a complete protein powder that contains all nine amino acids. This way will get the benefits of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, without the hit to your wallet.

Conclusion: Why Whey Protein Can Be a Powerful Tool for Women’s Health

The price of protein powder can vary greatly between brands. While many offer a complete product, many on the market will go for flash over substance and get you to purchase based on brand and buzzwords.

When you shop for your whey protein supplement, read the fine print and see how the expensive brands and affordable brands stack up.

Go for the protein powder which contains all nine essential amino acids, with the biggest grams per serve, and a pleasant taste. While these may cost a little extra, they are well worth it in the long run.

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What are the key benefits of whey protein supplements for women?

Whey protein supports muscle growth, aids weight loss, improves bone health, enhances workout recovery, and boosts overall protein intake, making it a valuable addition to a woman's fitness routine.

How does whey protein help with weight loss in women?

Whey protein promotes satiety, reduces appetite, and supports lean muscle mass, which boosts metabolism, aiding in weight management when combined with a balanced diet and exercise.

Is whey protein safe for women to use daily?

Whey protein is generally safe for daily use by women when consumed in recommended amounts. It helps meet daily protein needs, especially for active women or those with higher protein requirements.

Can whey protein supplements improve muscle tone in women?

Whey protein supplies essential amino acids that support muscle repair and growth, making it beneficial for improving muscle tone, especially with strength training.

What is the best time for women to take whey protein supplements?

The best time to take whey protein is post-workout for muscle recovery, but it can also be taken in the morning or between meals to boost daily protein intake.

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